Electric bike stands on a path on a sunny day banner image

Informing decision making on climate action

The Scottish Climate Intelligence Service (SCIS) works with all of Scotland’s local authorities to help deliver climate action at the scale and pace needed to deliver Scotland's Climate Change Plan.

We also know that climate change is not just about emissions, and that understanding and delivering the wider benefits of climate action, notably for adaptation, nature, health and inequality, are vital to society and critical to net zero delivery.

Our service is building capacity within local authorities. By working within and across local authorities, we support collaboration and help to share skills, knowledge, insights and common approaches which support and accelerate effective local climate action.

EV chargers on a residential street

How the SCIS can help you

The SCIS is supporting delivery of Scotland’s Climate Change Plan, to help deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland which is playing its part in leading the global response to climate change.

SCIS brings smarter tools, greater consistency and more support to drive climate change action at the local level.

Our platform provides the data and knowledge to help you decide on the actions needed to achieve net zero emissions, based on your current area-wide emissions profile.

The SCIS will also support you in your engagement with community groups and constituents by demonstrating area-wide progress and priorities.

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Woman using an electric hob

What to expect from the service

The Scottish Climate Intelligence Service will help to support planning and delivery of programmes of area-wide emissions reduction across Scotland.

SCIS is a capacity-building programme service with both a national digital platform and a support service co-designed with its stakeholders. The platform will collate area-wide emissions data to build a baseline of emissions and calculate and visualise the emission reductions of the actions and projects local authorities have to deliver their area-wide emissions reduction strategies.

The service will support local authorities in building the skills, knowledge, and influence to use this data to enable planning, monitoring and delivery of climate action at the scale and pace required for achieving net zero targets.

Read more and watch the video of our launch event

Natural wetlands at St Fitticks public park in Aberdeen

About area-wide emissions

The Scottish Climate Intelligence Service is supporting an area-wide approach to emissions reduction which considers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across a geographic area. This recognises the interconnected nature of both the causes of greenhouse gas emissions from human activity and the measures needed to address them. Actions such as energy provision and decarbonisation of transport are not the sole responsibility of any one organisation. They need to be planned and delivered across organisations in an area and at scale, for impact and effectiveness.

While the Scottish Climate Intelligence Service will be working primarily at local authority level to support area-wide programmes for emissions reduction, those programmes will be made up of many projects and actions at different scales within their area. They will also include measures which sit across local authority boundaries.

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